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The parish is in the diocese of Motherwell and is a merger of two parishes.
St. Mark’s parish was founded in 1956 and the church was formally opened in 1961 by Bishop James Scanlan.
St Anthony’s parish was established in 1965 and the church was formally opened in 1970 by Bishop Francis Thomson.
The parishes were linked in 2012 and united in 2017.

I’m Fr Stephen and as from the beginning of September 2023 I’m your new parish priest! I was very happy and excited to be appointed as PP of St Anthony and St Mark Parish, having got to know parishioners over the years when I celebrated Mass on a Saturday evening for Fr Frank, and also when I played guitar at the Children’s Mass during COVID. I’m also very glad to be back in Rutherglen after having lived for 6 happy years at St Columbkille’s. I must have walked every street in the Burgh during lockdown when we were only allowed out for an hour a day! My pastoral priorities for our parish are mission and outreach to those who do not currently practise their faith, and ministry to families and children. I am also enjoying my roles as chaplain to St Mark’s and St Anthony’s Primary Schools, and as assistant chaplain to Trinity High.
Fr Stephen is also chaplain to the Scottish Region of HCPT – the Pilgrimage Trust, and president of the Scots College Rome Society. He is also an honorary lecturer at the University of Glasgow. A full biography including publications is available here: